NP’s Family Dynamics with Eesher: Strategies for overcoming academic challenges and enhancing memory retention

NP's Family Dynamics with Eesher: Strategies for overcoming academic challenges and enhancing memory retention
A nursing student struggling with memory retention

NP’s Family Dynamics with Eesher: Strategies for overcoming academic challenges and enhancing memory retention

Dear Sis Eesher, I am a nursing student, and I need some guidance or advice regarding certain academic challenges I am currently facing. As you are an educational psychologist, I believe you can help me.
I’m having challenges with memory retention and recall. Previously, I could easily remember what I studied, but since starting 300-level courses, my memory has been failing despite increasing study time and changing study patterns.

The problem has worsened this semester, as I forget information immediately after discussions. My declining academic performance has affected my CGPA, which initially was 4.0. I am now worried about potential withdrawal from the program. I am seeking advice on effective study strategies, retention, and recall to excel in my exams.

Dear Anonymous,

It’s understandable to feel anxious when your academic performance starts to change unexpectedly. As an educational psychologist, I can offer some insights and strategies that might help improve your memory and learning experience.

You’re experiencing memory challenges due to increased cognitive load, stress, burnout, or a shift in learning style needs at this stage of your academic journey. To address these, try implementing the following strategies:

Active Recall & Spaced Repetition: Test yourself after reading and revisit topics at set intervals.

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Chunking: Break down information into smaller units.
Mnemonics: Use memory aids like acronyms and rhymes.

Change Study Environments: Study in different places and use diverse methods.

Stress Management & Health: Prioritize relaxation, sleep, and exercises.

Emotional Regulation: Address fear of failure and maintain a positive mindset.

Have a good sleep. Our brains are more alert and function better when it’s well-rested.

Pray before reading, after reading, and when writing exams. There are specific prayers quick understanding, and success at school and life in general.

NP's Family Dynamics with Eesher: Strategies for overcoming academic challenges and enhancing memory retention
Du’a for knowledge and success in general

Brain diet: Some foods boost the cognitive domain of the brain, like mint leaves, soy milk, and honey. Incorporate these into your diet, and be consistent.

With these strategies, you can optimize your learning and regain your academic performance, bi iznillah. Wishing you the best of luck in your endeavors.

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