73% Nigerians ignorant of high-burden tuberculosis  – Official


73% Nigerians ignorant of high-burden tuberculosis – Official

The National Tuberculosis, Buruli Ulcer and Leprosy Control Programme (NTBLCP), has said that 73 per cent (%) of Nigerians are ignorant of the high-burden tuberculosis (TB).

NTBLCP noted with concern that only 27 per cent (%) were enlightened about the infectious disease in a country of more than 206 million people.

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The National Coordinator of the programme, Dr Chukwuemeka Anyike, said this on Thursday in Abuja, at a two-day media engagement and sensitisation meeting, organised by NTBLCP.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that the World Health Organisation (WHO), had ranked Nigeria 7th, out of 30 countries globally, with the highest burden of TB, and 1st in Africa.

WHO reported that in 2019 alone, an estimated 440,000 new cases were recorded, out of which 46,000 were also HIV-positive.

It said about 150,000 Nigerians died from TB, accounting for more than 10 per cent of all deaths in the country, adding that every hour, nearly 30 people were dying from the disease, in spite of the availability of effective treatment.

In his submission, Anyike noted that TB was deadly and required urgent treatment that was available, but most Nigerians were unaware of it.

“In fact, majority of people infected with TB will never get sick; they will not experience symptoms or become infectious.

“It is a condition known as latent TB, in which the bacterium that causes TB simply stays dormant in the body,” he explained.

He, therefore, said active TB case-finding was vital to reducing the burden of the disease in the country, because Nigeria had more than 440,000 TB cases, and 300,000 were estimated to be missed annually.

“If you notice any changes in your respiratory tract, both upper and lower, ensure you meet your doctor for proper diagnosis.

“Shortness of breath, hemoptysis, anorexia, coloured sputum, chest pain, waste of muscle, unstoppable cough and fatigue is a sign/symptoms of tuberculosis,” Anyike explained.

According to him, most TB patients often fail to recognise the symptoms because of the societal stigma attached to the disease.

“The way people treat those with TB, especially close contacts, is also a source of worry to the patients.

“This may lead to delay in reporting to the hospital, and consequently increase mortality from the disease.

“It may also make it difficult for the patients to comply with the long duration of TB treatment,” he said.

He stressed that TB remained an important cause of illness and deaths in Nigerian children.

“The emergence of HIV has further increased the burden of the disease. Childhood TB is under-diagnosed and under-reported in Nigeria.

“The diagnosis of TB can be made in most children based on a careful clinical evaluation.

“History of contact with a person with pulmonary TB is a very important component in the diagnosis of TB in children,” he explained.

Also speaking at the event, Dr Bolatito Aiyenigba, Deputy Director, Malaria and Tuberculosis, Breakthrough ACTION, Nigeria, (BA-N), an NGO, said her organisation would continue to partner with the Nigerian government to accomplish the goal of the NTBLCP.

Aiyenigba said the partnership would ensure access to comprehensive and high-quality patient-centred and community-owned TB services for all Nigerians.

According to her, it is important to find the missing TB cases as the current case finding is only around 26 per cent.

“Meaning that 74 per cent of cases are not detected or reported, and these people may be transmitting TB to others in the communities.

She noted that the gap should not be that wide, adding that the aim of the campaign was to encourage people vulnerable to TB to approach health facilities to get tested.

“We are hoping that the campaign will be nationwide for maximum reach and impact,” she added.

On her part, the Head, Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation, NTBLCP, Mrs Itoghowo Uko, expressed delight over the media engagement and sensitisation meeting.

“Knowledge they say is power, when you give an individual the right information, he or she would be able to take decisions on his or her life from an informed position.

“We have been able to sensitise Nigerians on the simple signs of Tuberculosis and the reason they need to go for a test.

“But, with what we have done today, and the responses we have gotten, we believe that the media will do the right thing through their reportage to tell Nigerians the danger of TB,” Uko said.

She added that the more aware Nigerians were about TB, the sooner the burden would reduce.


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