International Youth Day: Nigerian youths tasked on peace, security as 2023 elections draw near


International Youth Day: Nigerian youths tasked on peace, security as 2023 elections draw near

Youths in Nigeria have been charged to distance themselves from activities that are capable of worsening the prevailing security of the country, especially as the general elections draw closer.

While marking the 2022 International Youth Day in Jalingo, the pioneer chairman of the Taraba State Youth Council of Nigeria (TYCN), Uten Hikon, said the future of the nation lies in the palms of the youths and urged them to eschew acts that are capable of truncating their dreams.

He said, “We challenge youths to be advocates for peace and development rather than allowing themselves to be used as tools in the hands of some politicians and mischief makers who do not have the interest of the state at heart.”

He asked the youths to work with the TYCN, which according to him is the highest youth organ in the state, and distance themselves from greed, selfishness, backstabbing, and sentiments.

Hikon also admonished the youths to shun all acts that are inimical to development and eschew thuggery or inciting the people against one another.

“The International Youth Day is being celebrated this year in harsh economic conditions coupled with banditry, kidnapping, intolerance and the worsening Boko haram and ISWAP activities in the Country”.

“Today is dedicated to the role young men and women play in bringing change in tackling global issues and achieving sustainable development.”

“It also serves as an opportunity to raise awareness of challenges and problems facing the world’s youth.” Hikon said.

International Youth Day is commemorated every year on 12 August to encourage youth around the world to raise awareness and amplify the situation of youth in a country.


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