Stakeholders hold workshop for Judges, others on criminal justice, WAPPL implementation


Stakeholders hold workshop for Judges, others on criminal justice, WAPPL implementation

Story from Kalmana AFSA, Bauchi

A three day capacity building workshop has been organised for High Court judges, Magistrates, Shariah Court Judges, Police, State Counsel by the Ministry of Justice and Gender Desk Officers to strengthen the implementation of the Administration of Criminal Justice Law (ACJL) and Violence Against Person’s Prohibition Law (VAPPL) and to ensure speedy justice service delivery.

The capacity building workshop aims at increasing the knowledge of key justice sector actors on the content and relevant provisions of the laws and improve inter-agency coordination between the justice sector and service providers in ensuring speedy justice delivery for survivors of sexual and gender based violence.

The programme has been implemented in six states of the federation which include: Bauchi, Benue, Enugu, Kaduna, Osun and F.C.T.

It is been implemented by Lawyers Alert, cluster members consisting of Ikra Foundation for Women and Youth Development, Nigeria Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ), League of Women Voters and Community Advancement Initiative for Self Reliance among others.

In their remarks, the Executive Director of Ikra Foundation, Amina Garuba, and Chairperson of NAWOJ Bauchi State chapter, Mrs Bulak Afsa, said the training will foster improved relations among the key players so that justice will be served whenever there is a case of SGBV.

They urged the relevant actors to be proactive in ensuring that justice is always not denied or delayed to victims of gender based violence.

The three day interactive capacity building would afford the 35 participants opportunity to share learning and improve relations among key players.


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