Nigerian Optometrists decry state of primary healthcare facilities

Nigerian Optometrists decry state of primary healthcare facilities
Primary Healthcare

Nigerian Optometrists decry state of primary healthcare facilities

The Nigerian Optometrics Association has voiced deep concerns about the state of primary healthcare facilities in Nigeria.

According to their recent statement, these facilities are operating at alarmingly low levels, with approximately 80 per cent of the nation’s 6,000 optometrists working in the private sector, leaving only about 20 per cent in the public sector.

In a communique issued following the conclusion of their 46th national conference and annual general meeting, the association pointed out that this 20 per cent, serving in the public sector, plays a crucial role in providing primary healthcare to rural and suburban areas, which constitute the majority of the country’s population.

The communique, signed by the association’s president, Dr. Anderson Chimeziri, and the national secretary, Dr. Victor Aliche, identified ignorance and poor accessibility as major contributors to vision impairment and loss. They also highlighted a concerning global prediction that over one billion people could be blind by 2025.

The association noted that one of the primary responsibilities of government is to cater for the welfare of its citizens but expressed regrets that certain equipment needed in the delivery of healthcare services are severely overtaxed by customs.

“The federal government should pay compelling attention to the health sector especially primary healthcare, for a strong and healthy nation to emerge. Government should provide the necessary environment for people to access quality and efficient eyecare services.”

The association noted that the over one billion people that would be blind across the globe by 2025 will affect productivity, national growth and family life if adequate interventions are not effected adding that poor out-door/prolonged near work activities like use of computers, telephones, TV, laptop, eye pads are major causes of eye and vision problems.

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“Parents are encouraged to allow their children to participate in healthier out-door activities and to reduce prolonged near work like use of mobile phones, laptops, eye pads and sitting close to the TV. There should be a break of about 20 seconds and relaxation of the eyes by looking at distant objects after about 20 minutes of near work,” they said.

The association maintained that a single comprehensive eye exam conducted by an optometrist could lead to variety of favourable outcomes which ranges from discovery of previously undetected eye and health problems like glaucoma, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health conditions.

A former president of the association, Dr Obinna Awiaka, expressed concern over the state of the economy and security in the country/ increasing spate of violent clashes and called on government to step up actions to address the immediate and remote causes of the problems.

He also called for a lasting solution to challenges impeding the welfare and peace of citizens adding that the association has resolved to remain a law-abiding, peaceful and purposeful association dedicated to her objectives and assisting government in achieving its well-intentioned programmes especially those principally affecting the health sector.


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