Stick to the Walls, Not Your Home: 8 effective ways to keep geckos out


Stick to the Walls, Not Your Home: 8 effective ways to keep geckos out

Are you tired of finding tiny, unwanted roommates scurrying across your walls and ceilings? Wall geckos, while harmless, can be a nuisance to homeowners who value a pest-free living space.

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent these little critters from making themselves at home.

Here are 8 effective ways to keep geckos out of your home:

1. Seal all entry points: Geckos can squeeze through tiny cracks and crevices, so it’s essential to seal all openings around windows, doors, vents, and pipes. Use caulk or weatherstripping to block their entry points.

2. Keep your home clean: Geckos are attracted to food sources like crumbs, dust, and insects. Regularly vacuum and dust surfaces, and store food in sealed containers to reduce the likelihood of geckos visiting your home.

3. Eliminate moisture: Geckos thrive in humid environments. Fix any water leaks, use a dehumidifier, and ensure good ventilation to keep your home dry and uninviting to geckos.

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4. Install door sweeps: Door sweeps are a simple and effective way to keep geckos from entering your home. They are a rubber or vinyl piece attached to the bottom of your door to block entry.

5. Use essential oils: Certain essential oils, like peppermint, lemongrass, and lavender, can repel geckos. Mix a few drops of the oil with water and spray it around the perimeter of your home.

6. Keep your yard clean: Keep your yard free of debris, leaves, and weeds, which can attract geckos. Regularly trim trees and shrubs to reduce hiding spots.

7. Use a gecko-deterrent spray: Commercial sprays containing capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers, can deter geckos. Spray the perimeter of your home and entry points to keep geckos away.

8. Install a gecko-proof screen: Installing a gecko-proof screen on your windows and doors can prevent geckos from entering your home. These screens have a fine mesh that allows air to circulate while keeping geckos out.

By implementing these 8 effective methods, you can keep wall geckos from making your home their own.

Remember, prevention is key, so stay vigilant and keep your home gecko-free!


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