Insecurity, the doom of a country, by Maryam Rabiu


Insecurity, the doom of a country, by Maryam Rabiu

Insecurity, often gets underestimated until it reaches a catastrophic proportion, posing a significant threat to the stability, prosperity, and unity of any country.

The roots of insecurity are multifaceted, stemming from economic disparities, political instability, social unrest, and the rise of extremist ideologies. When left unaddressed, these issues create a breeding ground for crime, insurgency, and terrorism, eroding the very foundations of a peaceful society.

Economic instability plays an extreme role in fostering insecurity. High unemployment rates and unequal distribution of resources can lead to widespread dissatisfaction, pushing individuals towards criminal activities as a means of survival.

Political instability further exacerbates the problem. Weak governance, corruption, and a lack of effective law enforcement contribute to an environment where criminal elements can operate with impunity.

Additionally, social unrest, fueled by ethnic, religious, or cultural differences, adds another layer to the tapestry of insecurity. When communities feel marginalized or disenfranchised, the risk of internal conflicts rises.

In Nigeria for example, Boko Haram, a jihadist group operating primarily in the northeast, has been responsible for numerous attacks, including suicide bombings, kidnappings, and raids on villages.

The rise of extremist ideologies, whether political or religious, poses a particularly grave threat to national security. Radicalized individuals or groups often resort to terrorism as a means to achieve their objectives, causing fear and instability on a grand scale.

However, to counter the doom of insecurity, nations must adopt a holistic approach that addresses its economic, political, and social dimensions. Investing in education, job creation, and poverty alleviation programs can help uplift communities, reducing the appeal of criminal activities.

Insecurity stands as a formidable adversary that, if unchecked, can lead to the downfall of a country. To secure a brighter future, nations must confront the root causes of insecurity, implementing comprehensive strategies that promote economic prosperity, political stability, and social harmony.

Only through such concerted efforts can the looming specter of insecurity be dispelled, paving the way for a safer, more resilient nation.

Maryam Rabiu is a Linguist, Journalist, motivational speaker and content writer with years of experience. She can be reached via email:


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