Nigerian professor faces panel over sexual harassment allegations

Nigerian professor faces panel over sexual harassment allegations

Nigerian professor faces panel over sexual harassment allegations

The University of Benin (UNIBEN) has inaugurated a panel to investigate allegations of sexual harassment against a professor in the Faculty of Arts. The panel was announced in a circular issued by the Secretary, Mr. B. D. Jonathan. The university did not disclose the identity of the lecturer involved.

According to the circular, the panel seeks to gather information from staff and students who may have relevant details or have experienced misconduct by the professor. The university assured that all information provided would be treated with strict confidentiality.

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The decision to set up the panel follows a social media post by a university graduate who accused the professor of sexual harassment during her time as an undergraduate. The alumna described severe distress and mistreatment at the hands of the lecturer.

The university has called for anyone with information to come forward to support a thorough and impartial investigation. The panel aims to ensure that the inquiry is conducted fairly and that any substantiated claims are addressed appropriately.

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