Internet Ate My Relationship: When your partner swipes right on their screen instead of you


Internet Ate My Relationship: When your partner swipes right on their screen instead of you

Once upon a time, the biggest threat to relationships was leaving the toilet seat up. But in today’s world? It’s the internet. Yes, that endless scroll, the black hole of cat videos, and the battlefield of online games are apparently doing more than just draining our phone batteries. They’re also turning love lives into loading screens.

According to a recent study, if one partner spends a little too much quality time with the internet, the relationship is likely to experience a serious case of digital déjà vu: “Hey, remember when we used to talk?” The study confirms that excessive internet use is like inviting a third wheel into the relationship, one that never gets tired and is always craving attention. The result? More arguments, more misunderstandings, and a lot more “are you even listening to me?” moments.

Picture this: You’re ready for a cozy evening with your significant other, maybe some popcorn and a movie. But instead of cuddling up with you, they’re cuddling up with their phone, lost in a sea of memes, TikToks, and tweets. Suddenly, it’s not just the two of you anymore—it’s the two of you and 5,000 of their online friends. And if the phone doesn’t start contributing to rent soon, it might need to pack its bags!

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Of course, it’s easy to see why the internet is so tempting. It’s got all the answers, endless entertainment, and probably way more memes than anyone can handle. But while one partner is busy exploring the digital world, the other partner is left feeling, well, a bit like a forgotten browser tab—open, waiting, and eventually just kind of there. The neglected partner may start feeling jealous, wondering what exactly is so fascinating on that screen that it’s worth ignoring real-life romance.

Before you know it, internet use can transform minor tiffs into major wars. Suddenly, the question isn’t just about how much time they’re spending online; it’s about trust, connection, and whether or not they even remember your face. And let’s be honest: competing with the vast wonders of the internet is a losing battle. How can you possibly stack up against both cute puppies and celebrity gossip at the same time?

The good news? This isn’t a hopeless situation. There are ways to reclaim some of that quality offline time, like setting boundaries, scheduling screen-free date nights, or even joining in on the fun together (because watching cat videos is honestly better with company). After all, nothing says “I love you” quite like choosing each other over endless scrolling. So, next time you’re tempted to get lost online, remember the person beside you just might be waiting to connect—no Wi-Fi required.

In a world full of distractions, it’s worth putting the phone down every now and then, if only to remind your partner that they’re way more interesting than the internet could ever be. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, they’ll do the same for you.

Written by Sakinat Musa Abubakar, Editor at Neptune Prime

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