COVID-19: UK health minister tests positive after taking vaccine

UK health minister, Sajid Javid
UK health minister, Sajid Javid

The health minister of the United Kingdom, Sajid Javid has tested positive for coronavirus despite taking doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

This recent development adds to the concerns on the effectiveness of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine which is currently being administered to some Nigerians.

BBC reports that the UK on Friday recorded 50,000 daily cases of the virus, the same day the minister test came back positive, this rise is the first, since mid-January.

The health minister said he decided to take the COVID-19 test on Saturday morning after having a “groggy feeling” on Friday night; the result came back positive, and he is currently self-isolating.

He said “I was feeling a bit groggy last night, so I took a lateral flow test this morning and it comes out positive, so I’m now self-isolating at home with my family until I get the results of a PCR test.

“I’m grateful that I’ve had two jabs of the vaccine and so far, my symptoms are very mild, “he added.

The Minister has however encouraged UK citizens to not be scared and should get vaccinated, the health minister also advised those with groggy feelings to take the lateral flow test.

“If everyone plays their part, you’re not only protecting yourself and your loved ones but you’re also safeguarding the NHS and helping to preserve our way of life,” Javid said.

The rapid lateral flow tests are conducted on individuals without symptoms of COVID-19. The tests function like pregnancy tests, as it has the ability to detect active cases in just 30 minutes.


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