Adamawa Chief Judge sets 100 inmates free

Adamawa Chief Judge sets 100 inmates free. The Jail Delivery Committee

Adamawa Chief Judge sets 100 inmates free

A prerogative of mercy committee led by Adamawa Chief Judge, Nathan Musa, has set free 100 inmates on awaiting trial at the Nigerian Correctional Service, Jimeta.

The Jail Delivery Committee convicted 49, granted bail to 31 and referred 1 to the Deputy Chief Registrar (DCR) for review out of the total number of 410 inmates awaiting trial for various offences at the centre.

Addressing the inmates, Musa told them that the committee has discharged and acquitted some of them completely, convicted and granted bail to others.

He said: “We were able to discharge 100 and granted bail to 31 persons.

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He added that in their own wisdom, they decided to exercise judicial function by convicting others according to the provisions of the law in order to fast track justice in a normal way.

The committee had attended to 410 cases and perused case files to a logical conclusion before making a decision during the exercise.

“The committee was set up by the minister of internal affairs for a periodical visit to decongest especially awaiting trial”, he added.

Earlier, Deputy Comptroller, Adamu Yahaya, lauded the committee for their efforts towards reducing the number of inmates in the correctional centres across the state.


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