Livestock fattening business, by Agbaji Chinedu

Agbaji Chinedu.

Today’s Agribusiness

Livestock fattening business is the intensified feeding of animals to obtain the greatest quantity of high-quality meat. Cattle, swine, Goat, sheep, poultry, and rabbits are fattened. The quality of the meat and the economic indexes of the fattening of livestock depend on the species, breed, sex, age, health, and fatness of the animal, as well as on type and intensiveness of feeding and on maintenance conditions. Animals that are fattened include the entire healthy population to be slaughtered for meat.

Ruminant animals’ productivity in Nigeria is low. Livestock slaughtered are generally old and produced over a period with a variable nutritional history yielding tougher meat than desirable. Currently, nutrition is so poor that feed finishers only invest in mature animals. Much of the local feed finishing enterprise activity is of poor quality and only remains viable because of the high price of meat.

Professional butchers in towns such as Kano,Kaduna,Abuja,Lagos,Enugu and other cities are unwilling to buy village livestock because of the poor meat quality, and source grass-fed animals from more remote areas. Red meat sector stakeholders ranked the lack of quality feed finished animals as the greatest of 15 constraints to industry competitiveness.

The introduction of GEMS 1, The Growth and Employment in States 1 (GEMS 1) programme  a five-year programme jointly funded by the World Bank and DFID base in Kano. With Its aim to increase growth and employment, especially for poor men and women, by improving competitiveness in strategically important Nigerian industry clusters in selected states and nationally, as well as through business environment reform. Wholly funded by DFID, the target market for the GEMS1 component is the meat and leather industry. It addresses major government and market failures in the system thus bringing about systemic change. Improving the incomes of the poor, especially women and the young.

GEMS 1 has come up with an intensive feed finishing (FF) technique that covered several components including the use of least cost ruminant feed supplement, roughages, water and veterinary services together with appropriate housing and tethering. The New Technique is aimed at eradicating subsistence culture of animal fattening or production to commercially viable venture. This is achieved by reducing time of fattening, crushing crop waste into ruminant feed thereby increasing feed availability and increase feed intake by the animal which enhances growth and increase the number of cycle per year to fattening animal. The modern feed finishing techniques enabled the farmer to feed-finished small ruminants to maturity within 40 – 50 days, while large ruminants within 90 – 120 days.


AS A LIVESTOCK FATTENER DEALER: You can make good return on investment as a dealer of livestock fatteners such as organic and inorganic liquid supplements, feed concentrate, Liquid organic grass grower, because of their demand in the market as a result of the need for farmers to make profit from rearing livestock’s and have a healthy fatten animals for slaughter and skins for local and international market.

LIVESTOCK FATTENING: The introduction of fattener livestock rearing has become interesting and attractive not just for the old people and Northern farmer only but for the growing youths who now see Agric as a business. With the modern feed finishing techniques which enables a farmer to feed-finished small ruminants to maturity within 50 – 65 days, while large ruminants within 90 – 120 days the farming business has become more lucrative than the old system that is discouraging.

MEAT PACKAGING: This is a business that is taking a good shape as a result of the demand for fresh healthy meat, the growing population of the middle class and springing up of shopping malls all over the cities.

DEALING ON LIVESTOCK: You can make your money as an agribusiness entrepreneur dealing on fatten livestock’s that are fresh and healthy. The demands are high you don’t need to own a farm all you need to do is to create the market and the farmers are there to supply you.

Finally with the improvement on the livestock value chain and support of GSM1,11, Small and Big ruminants finished feed , Liquid organic Enzyme as a supplement and grass grower organic fertilizer  this is an Agribusiness to venture into with sure return on investment with over 100%.

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