Pastor in court for alleged sexual assault, teaching 19-year-old boy masturbation

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Pastor in court for alleged sexual assault, teaching 19-year-old boy masturbation

In a deeply disturbing case of alleged sexual assault within a religious setting, Chigozie Emmanuel courageously took the stand in an Ikeja High Court to testify against his former pastor, Elijah Emenandy. Emmanuel accused Emenandy of introducing him to explicit content, masturbation, and engaging in sexual abuse.

Led in evidence by Lagos State counsel, Mr. Olu Azeez, Emmanuel recounted the incidents that allegedly occurred when he was just 19 years old.

According to Emmanuel’s testimony, Emenandy had informed his mother in December 2020 that he had a vision predicting Emmanuel’s death in February 2021. Requesting immediate prayers, Emenandy urged Emmanuel’s mother to bring him to him.

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Initially not taking the prediction seriously, Emmanuel changed his mind when he received another message from Emenandy insisting on an urgent meeting. During that meeting, Emenandy revealed that they had previously met in another church, where he had been Emmanuel’s teacher. Claiming to have received a vision of Emmanuel’s death, Emenandy offered to pray for him and initiated weekly counseling sessions on Tuesdays.

During these counseling sessions, Emmanuel claimed that Emenandy asked him about his sexual experiences, including whether he had engaged in sexual activities, watched pornography, or had wet dreams. While Emmanuel denied involvement in most of these activities, he admitted to considering fraudulent activities. Emenandy advised him against pursuing fraud and encouraged him to change his lifestyle.

Emmanuel alleged that Emenandy subsequently invited him to his office and asked him to engage in sexual acts, including touching his genitals. Shocked and uncomfortable, Emmanuel declined the pastor’s requests. However, the witness stated that the pastor persisted, using manipulative tactics and showing pornographic videos on his phone. Emmanuel further explained that Emenandy brought him to a friend’s house, where he was asked to stand on a Bible and engage in masturbation.

Recounting the events with great pain, Emmanuel stated that Emenandy asked him to suck his nipples and engage in mutual masturbation as a means of transferring life force and preventing his early death. Believing Emenandy to be his spiritual father, Emmanuel agreed to move into Emenandy’s residence and continued to engage in these abusive activities on a nightly basis.

In the midst of this horrifying abuse, the pastor allegedly requested anal penetration. Emmanuel initially refused, but eventually acquiesced due to persistent pressure persistent pressure. This led to Emmanuel experiencing severe pain and bleeding for two days as a result. The witness also revealed that Emenandy instructed him to masturbate twice a day and even asked him to consume his urine, which Emmanuel initially refused but eventually succumbed to under the weight of manipulation.

Emmanuel’s testimony took an even darker turn as he shared that Emenandy would ejaculate in his mouth, claiming it was a transfer of power. The witness also disclosed that Emenandy instructed him to consume his own feces, an act that made Emmanuel vomit. The abuse escalated further as Emenandy resorted to using various forms of physical punishments, including piercing Emmanuel’s body with needles and applying substances like St. Michael oil and ground pepper on his wounds.

The trial, presided over by Justice Oyindamola Ogala, has been adjourned until December 11 and December 14 for further proceedings. Emenandy, who appeared unwell and was reportedly brought from the hospital, faces charges of sexual assault by penetration and sexual assault.

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