UK To Impose Stricter Immigration Rules: Foreign students banned from bringing family


UK To Impose Stricter Immigration Rules: Foreign students banned from bringing family

The United Kingdom is reportedly planning to introduce new restrictions that would prohibit foreign students from bringing their families to the country.

The Sun UK has published a report stating that this ban would apply to most master’s students and many other postgraduates.

However, it should be noted that PhD students, who typically pursue courses lasting between 3 and 5 years and possess high levels of skill, would not be affected by this ban.

The decision to implement these restrictions comes in response to the significant rise in net migration to the UK, which has reached 1 million.

Conservative MPs have urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to take action to address the escalating numbers.

It is worth mentioning that Sunak is expected to defend his position on immigration, emphasizing that the statistics in question were inherited from the period ending December 2022, which was just two months after he assumed office.

One of the key factors contributing to the surge in immigration is the growing trend of individuals using their relatives’ student visas as a means to enter Britain.

Last year alone, students brought 135,788 family members to the country—a staggering ninefold increase compared to 2019.

Notably, Nigerian students accounted for a significant portion, with 59,053 individuals bringing over 60,923 relatives in the same year.

The announcement regarding these immigration restrictions is anticipated to be made on either Tuesday or Wednesday.


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